Zambia History Zambia History Zambia History: In precolonial Africa, trade took three main forms. The first was local trade, carried…
Colored Community Colored Community Colored Community Colored Community: In South Africa, the term “colored” does not refer to black people…
Precolonial African Societies: Kasai Region Precolonial African Societies Precolonial African Societies Precolonial African Societies: The Kasai region of the Congo…
History Of Africa History Of Africa History Of Africa History Of Africa History Of Africa: Precolonial Africa developed art not…
Garamantes History Garamantes Garamantes: Sedentary Berber groups occupied the Maghreb during the start of the first millennium BCE, including the…
History Of Comoros History Of Comoros History Of Comoros: One of the most important parts of the history of the…
African Religions African Religions African Religions African Religions: A lot of people in Africa believe in a number of different…
The Nok Culture Nok Culture Some claim that Nok culture was the birthplace of sculpture, second only to Egypt. Its…
Mandinka State History The Mandinka are a major ethnic group in Gambia. They are related to the first people who…
Nigeria Culture and Religion Nigeria Culture Nigeria Culture and religion: Before the British took over as a colony in Nigeria,…