


Who are the Mandinka?

Who are the Mandinka

Who are the Mandinka? The Mandinka are one of the most significant ethnic groups in Gambia, and they can trace their ancestry back to the first group of humans to settle in the Sudanese Belt, during the time period between the Stone and Iron Ages.

These early humans were hunters who fashioned weapons out of stone and iron, such as knives, axes, scrapers, hammers, and needles, which they used to kill their prey. Later on, they developed spears, harpoons, clubs, shields, blowguns, bows, and arrows as means of defense against their enemies. Prior to the year 700, the black population that lived in the Sudanese Belt only took up residence in a very small fraction of the region.

They persisted in agricultural practices, which allowed them to amass populations that were larger and more dense than those of their contemporaries, whose primary focus was on cattle breeding. In the end, they were successful in colonizing the forest regions of West Africa. During the early Islamic contact period, which began around 700 BCE and lasted for a few hundred years, long-distance trade played an increasingly important role in the economic, social, and political life of western Sudan.

Who are the Mandinka

Some sections of West Africa enjoyed economic prosperity as a result of commerce, which paved the way for the establishment of social stratification and statehood. The Mandinka people were a component of the Soninke Clan of the Mande-speaking peoples that were a part of the empire of Ghana when it first emerged. Manden, Malinke, Mndinka, and Mandingo are a few of the names that have been used to refer to the Mande people.

Following the collapse of the Ghanaian empire in 1076, all of the formerly subservient states that had been a part of the empire were able to reclaim their freedom. It wasn’t until the year 1235 that a modest Mandinka kingdom came into existence. Sundiata Keita, a Mandinka king who is credited with laying the groundwork for what would become the strong Mali Empire, governed the kingdom when it was still a kingdom. In fact, the oral tradition asserts that the Mandinka invasion of Gambia got its start during Sundiata’s administration in the thirteenth century.

This would mark the beginning of their arrival in Gambia. The immigration of Mandinka took place not just through peaceful means but also through the rise of armed power. Prior to the foundation of the Mali Empire, a number of the Mandinka people relocated to the Senegambia region. The first settlers headed south and west in the hopes of finding better farmland, as well as food and a place to shelter themselves. Along with these people, a number of merchants and hunters went into the region of Senegambia that was rich in water resources.

Who are the Mandinka

After settling there, they engaged in agriculture and intermarried with members of the native ethnic groups that were already present in the region. Sundiata requested that the military expeditions be carried out, and they were carried out accordingly. In the thirteenth century, he dispatched one of his generals, Tiramang Traore, to the west in order to capture Cassamance and Guinea Bissau. As a direct consequence of this, Tiramang was able to easily destroy the local inhabitants and lay the groundwork for the Kaabu Empire, which eventually expanded all the way to Gambia. Kaabu evolved as the cultural epicenter of the Mandinka people.

Kansala served as the nation’s principal city. On Sundiata’s behalf, Tiramang led military campaigns directed against the Jollof Empire, which was located nearby. As a result of the intermarriage that occurred as a direct result of the Mandinka people’s migration from Mali to Gambia, a large number of Mandinka families were created. Tiramang became a member of the Sanneh family by marriage. Families of the Mandinka ethnic group that trace their lineage back to the people who lived in the Mali Empire include Sanyang, Bojang, Conteh, and Jassey.

Who are the Mandinka

At the close of the thirteenth century, the Mandinka exercised power over a territory that extended from Gambia all the way to Futa Jallon. This territory encompassed both land and water. Several Mandinka states made up the Mandinka Empire of Kaabu: Kantora, Tumaana, Jimara, Wurapina, Nyamina, Jarra, Kiang, Foni, and Kombo. The Mandinka have used violence to take control of what was formerly a Jolla state known as Kombo. Amari Sonko, another general under Sundiata Keita’s command, was successful in his assaults against the kingdoms of Baddibu and Barra. Amari founded the Sonko dynasty in both of the kingdoms that he ruled.

The mansas, also known as chiefs, oversaw a centralized government structure that was present in the Mandinka states. Village leaders, who were also referred to as al-cadi, served in several capacities under the local authority. They were members of the nobility, whose primary responsibility it was to allot land and enforce judicial procedures. In addition to that, they were responsible for the collection of taxes. Beginning in the fourteenth century, the states of Mandinka began to see the establishment of trading settlements.

The settlements in which trading took place were often big and densely populated. The influence of Atlantic trade was felt in Gambia; it was a determining factor in the economic, political, and social development of both nations and the population in general. The Kaabu Empire was able to reach its pinnacle in the sixteenth century as a result of its achievements in the fields of trade and commerce, military might, and strong government, which began in the fifteenth century. In addition, Portuguese explorers began to venture into West African territory during this same century.

Who are the Mandinka

The Portuguese engaged in trade with the Mandinka at the time, which resulted in very successful interactions. In the year 1491, the Portuguese explorer Rodrigo Bebello and seven other members of his group met with the Mandinka monarch of the state of Kantora, Mandimansa. They got along famously with one another, which ultimately resulted in the formation of a well-functioning commercial system.

The Mandinka engaged in commerce through the exchange of gold, slaves, ivory, and beeswax. The goods were transported from the interior and bartered for crystal beads, iron bars, brass pans, firearms and ammunition, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and iron caps. They used bars of iron as units of measurement for everything that was traded, and thus ensured that there was an even distribution of the various things.

The Berbers and the Moors, who had already established themselves in Gambia at the beginning of the eleventh century, were drawn to the commercial opportunities offered by the Mandinka states. The Berbers and Moors who converted to Islam established modest Koranic schools in which young men were instructed in the reading and writing of Arabic. The monarchs of Mandinka sent their children to school and hired Muslim teachers, known as marabouts, to pray and conjure up charms for them.

In addition, the marabouts married indigenous Mandinka women, which resulted in the formation of Muslim families. A few of the Mandinka, who formerly adhered to African traditional religions, eventually became Muslims instead. The Mandinka merchants made their way across the continent in caravans that ranged in size from 40 to 100 people. They conducted business transactions in the river valleys. Local Mandinka merchants joined the caravans that were traveling through the river valley.

Who are the Mandinka

The ladies, as well as the slaves, were responsible for carrying the weights on their heads. Donkeys were also utilized in the transportation of the cargo. The women went ahead of the men on the journey, and the men followed in their footsteps. As soon as they arrived in the village, the ladies began preparing the food that would be eaten by the group. Woven cloth, ivory, beeswax, skins, gold, civet cats, green parrots, fragrances, corn, shea butter, salt, fish, and iron were among the items that might be traded for one another.

Taxes were paid to the commanders of the caravan by the merchants. The Mandinka also created their own settlements and communities at the same time that the other peoples of Senegambia did, during which time they developed their own distinctive culture. The evolution of culture was accompanied by the development of customs such as naming ceremonies, initiation rituals, marriage practices, and death rituals.

The Mandinka Empire of Kaabu was the most powerful and influential empire in the Senegambia region during the 16th and 17th centuries. But because the theocratic revolution in Futa Jallon at the beginning of the 18th century was successful, the Kaabu Empire could no longer grow.


Mansa Musa Reign: The Richest Man In Africa’s History

Mansa Musa Reign

During the era stretching through Mansa Musa reign (1312–1337) and that of his brother Sulayman, the Mali Empire reached its highest degree of accomplishment. This period lasted from 1312 until 1337. (1341–1360). Mali’s territory is believed to have extended from the headwaters of the river Niger and from where the Gambia and Senegal Rivers reach the Atlantic coast, all the way to the southern fringes of the Sahara and the country that is located beyond Timbuktu in the Niger Bend.

This period of time coincides with Mali’s greatest period of territorial expansion. The prosperity of Mali’s rulers (mansaw) was dependent on their control of commercial towns and routes to the goldfields in the interior of the country. Copper and salt were examples of highly valued imports that were subject to a high level of taxation, and the mansaw was able to amass large quantities of gold by demanding tribute from the producers.

The people of Mali came from a great number of different ethnic groups, many of which intermarried and spoke each other’s languages. These individuals included people who spoke dialects of the Mande language such as Maninka, Bamana, and Soninke, as well as members of nearby communities such as the Fula and the Dogon. Despite the fact that commerce played a significant role, the bulk of the population was involved in subsistence activities such as farming, fishing, and rearing cattle. Additionally, there were specialized artisan groups such as blacksmiths, leatherworkers, and potters.

The Arabic writings of al-‘Umari (1301–1349), who interviewed eyewitness informants in Cairo, Ibn Battuta (1304–1368), who visited Mali in 1352–1353; and the renowned Arab historian Ibn Khaldun (1332–406), who recorded oral historical traditions from Malian scholars, are the primary sources for the majority of the information about Mansa Musa that was recorded during his own time. The combined accounts of al-‘Umari and Ibn Battilta conjure up an image of a royal court in which the mansa resided in a tall pavilion and sat on a dais that was ornamented with ivory and silk under a dome that had an image of a golden bird the size of a falcon.

Mansa Musa Reign

A gold hat and a crimson gown were the traditional garb for the mansa when attending ceremonial events. He was escorted by hundreds of musicians and armed slaves, and his royal insignia included a quiver and bow that he kept with him at all times. The enormous flag that announced Mansa Musa’s approach had a yellow emblem set against a background of red whenever he traveled by horseback. In Mande society, it was customary for the ruler to speak through an intermediary, known as a jeli.

When Ibn Battuta visited the Mali court (during the reign of Mansa Sulayman), the leading spokesperson of the court was adorned with fine silk brocade garments, a sword with a golden sheath, and boots with spurs. According to Ibn Battuta, any ordinary citizen who was called into the presence of the sovereign was required to go in ragged clothes in order to express his humility. Additionally, when the visitor was addressed by the mansa, he was required to strip down to the waist and sprinkle dust on his own head and back.

It is said that Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim, and the events that transpired on his visit to Mecca in the year 1324 helped propel him to fame beyond the borders of the Mali Empire. In accordance with the tradition of the area, Mansa Musa consulted a diviner in order to ascertain the most propitious time to leave Mali for a voyage that would last at least a year. This was done so that he might leave on the most fortunate day possible. He waited for the right time, which took nine months, during which time provisions for the trip were gathered from every part of the kingdom.

There were thousands of individuals in the mansa’s retinue when it set off, including members of the court, baggage carriers, and bodyguards. According to the Ta’rikh al-Fattash, which was published more than three centuries after the incident (about 1665), Mansa Musa was also joined by his older wife, Inari Kanuté, who had five hundred of her own attendants with her on the journey. After enduring months of hardship while traveling through the Sahara Desert, the royal caravan from Mali finally made it to Egypt, where it emerged near the pyramids in Cairo.

Mansa Musa Reign

Both al-Umari and Ibn Khaldun heard from their informants that Mansa Musa left Mali with somewhere between 80 and 100 loads of gold, and that his extravagant spending throughout the journey, and particularly in Cairo, made his pilgrimage a sensational event. This information was passed on to al-Umari and Ibn Khaldun. An informant of al-Umari claims that Mansa Musa gave the sum of 50,000 dinars to Sultan al-Nasir as a gift upon his arrival, and that he was similarly kind to a great number of other people. Following the emperor of Mali’s visit to Cairo, the city was inundated with so much money that it caused a decline in the price of gold that lasted for more than a decade.

The religiosity of Mansa Musa and the refined behavior of his well-dressed associates left an impression on the witnesses in Cairo, and they were impressed. Multiple interviews were conducted with the emperor, during which he was questioned about his kingdom and the events that led up to his ascension to the position of mansa. The gift of richly ornamented robes of honor that Mansa Musa and his courtiers received from Sultan al-Nasir, along with saddled and bridled horses, the use of a palace for the duration of their visit, as well as pack animals and provisions for their onward journey to Mecca, was presented by the Sultan.

After spending close to three months in Cairo, the caravan from Mali continued its journey toward Mecca in the company of Egyptian travelers. While Mansa Musa was in Mecca, he was successful in persuading four shurafa, who were descendants of the family of the Prophet Muhammad, to go with him and their families all the way back to Mali. Ibn Khaldun reported that while traveling back to Cairo from Mecca, the Malians narrowly avoided disaster when they became separated from the larger Arab caravan and were forced to make their way to Suez, where they survived on fish until they were rescued.

Mansa Musa Reign

The Malians narrowly avoided disaster when they became separated from the larger Arab caravan and were forced to make their way to Suez. As the pilgrims made their way back to Cairo, Mansa Musa discovered that the gold he had taken with him was no longer sufficient. As a result, he was forced to borrow money from the city’s merchants, which he eventually repaid with an extremely high rate of interest. Abu-Ishiq al-Sahili, a poet and architect from Andalusia, traveled back to Mali at the same time as Mansa Musa. Also accompanying Mansa Musa on this journey was a shurafa from Mecca.

It is thought that Al-Sahili built one of the mosques in Timbuktu after settling there. During his time in Mansa Musa’s capital, Al-Sahili designed and constructed an ornate palace topped with a dome. It is believed that Mansa Musa, by means other than the exorbitant expenditures he made during the legendary journey, was the one who established Mali’s reputation as a great nation well beyond the borders of his imperial territories. He promoted Islamic knowledge by delivering students to Fez in order for them to receive an education there, and he established diplomatic ties between himself and the monarch of Morocco.

In order to accomplish this goal, high-ranking nobles from each kingdom were traded with one another and given the role of ambassador. Relations that were mutually advantageous were maintained with the heirs of these monarchs until the latter half of the fourteenth century, when Mali and Morocco were both victimized by dynastic rivalry. Before embarking on his well-known journey, Mansa Musa gave his son Magha the responsibility of ruling the kingdom in his absence. After Mansa Musa’s death in 1337, Magha once again took leadership of the kingdom.

Because of his ascension, Musa’s brother Sulayman, who was traditionally the eldest male in the family, was stripped of the power that had traditionally been theirs. Sadly, Magha passed away within the first four years, and Sulayman was elevated to the position of mansa at that point. Ibn Khaldun called Mansa Sulayman a cruel and oppressive king, but despite this, Mansa Sulayman was able to keep the empire that had grown and prospered under the wise and kind rule of Mansa Musa during the empire’s golden age.

Also Read: Did The Dahomey Empire Sell Slaves During The 18th Century?

Nelson Mandela Life: A Biography Of Nelson Mandela

On July 18, 1918, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in the little hamlet of Mvezo, located in the Eastern Cape. After the passing of his own father, Nelson Mandela was essentially “adopted” by Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the leader of the Tembus people. The kid was sent to receive his education at the Clarkebury Institute, Healdtown College, and the University of Fort Hare by the regent, who had the goal of preparing him for a career as a councilor to the Tembu monarch.

Mandela was kicked out of Fort Hare in 1941 and was forced to flee to Johannesburg to avoid being forced into a marriage against his will. His first employment was as a night watchman for Crown Mines, where he worked for several years.

One of his new acquaintances was Walter Sisulu, who would go on to become one of his closest political allies throughout his whole life. Mandela got a job as an articled clerk at a liberal law firm thanks to Sisulu, who had introduced him to the firm.

Nelson Mandela Life

By the year 1944, Nelson Mandela had been an enthusiastic participant in the African National Congress (ANC) Youth League. In the same year, he tied the knot with a young nurse by the name of Evelyn Mase. When Mandela was a member of the Youth League, he advocated for African nationalism and was vehemently opposed to the influence of the Communist Party of South Africa.

In 1951, Nelson Mandela started to come around to the idea that the African National Congress (ANC) and the Communist Party should form a strategic alliance. During the year 1952, he was an integral part of the organization of the Defiance Campaign.

In the same year, Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, a political comrade of his, founded the first African legal company in South Africa. Together, they were known as Mandela and Tambo. Mandela spent the most of the 1950s either “banned” or on trial for various offenses. During this time, he was also responsible for writing a number of essays and speeches.

For instance, in 1953, he conceived and formulated the M-plan, which was a covert cell organization for the ANC. In 1956, he gave his interpretation of the Freedom Charter in an article that he wrote for the publication Liberation. He observed that once the Freedom Charter became law, “the non-European bourgeoisie would have the opportunity to own in their own name and the right mills and factories, and trade and private enterprise would grow and flourish as never before.”

In the decades that followed, when Mandela was forced to defend himself against the allegation that he was a member in good standing of the Communist Party in secret, this sentence would come to have a great deal of significance. Mandela’s first marriage ended in divorce in the middle of the 1950s, and he wed Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela the following year, in 1958.

Mandela was one of 156 political leaders who, together with him, were taken into custody and accused of treason in the year 1956. Mandela and his co-defendants were declared not guilty of the treason charges at the end of the trial, which took place five years after the accusations were brought against them.

Nelson Mandela Life

As a result of the massacre that took place in Sharpeville in 1960 and the subsequent banning of the ANC, Nelson Mandela made the decision to go into hiding. He quickly became known in South African popular mythology as the “Black Pimpernel.”

In the same year, he took over as head of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which is the military branch of the African National Congress (ANC). Mandela was taken into custody in Natal after having been on the run for a significant amount of time throughout Africa and for a brief period in London.

In October of 1962, he was given a prison term of five years. This sentence was superseded by new charges less than a year after it had been handed out, and these were connected to the seizure of the MK high command at Rivonia in July 1963. In 1964, as a result of the Rivonia trial, Nelson Mandela was handed a sentence of life imprisonment.

Mandela emerged from his years of incarceration more resolute and prepared to engage in the negotiations that were to follow. He quickly rose to the position of leader of the African National Congress group of political prisoners held on Robben Island.

The 1960s were marked by difficult circumstances, and family members rarely paid visits. However, by the middle of the 1970s, hard labor was no longer an option for inmates, and they were given the opportunity to participate in organized sports and academic studies. Robben Island evolved into something of a university of revolution after the entrance of black consciousness activists in the wake of the Soweto revolt.

This was the final test of Mandela’s political prowess, and he passed it with flying colors. He successfully articulated the case for nonracialism and communal discipline in the face of radical youths who were filled with the desire to take violent action.

Nelson Mandela Life

The African National Congress (ANC) and the anti-apartheid movement in London initiated the first Free Mandela campaign in 1978, on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. The campaigns supporting Nelson Mandela would gain steam over the course of the 1980s. Mandela and a select group of his top comrades were moved from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison in the year 1982.

Midway through the 1980s, Mandela began engaging in conversations in confidence with leaders of the government, despite the fact that the exiled ANC had not given its approval for him to do so. In December of 1988, he was transferred to the Victor Verster Correctional Facility.

Mandela’s release was announced by President F. W. de Klerk in February of 1990, and the ban on several liberation organizations was lifted at the same time. Mandela had been incarcerated for a total of twenty-seven years. The years between 1990 and 1994 were a particularly difficult transitional phase in South Africa.

Mandela, in reality if not initially in name, was the leader of the African National Congress (ANC), and he had a tendency to keep himself removed from the negotiations, only getting involved in times of extreme tension. As a result of his efforts to raise money for the ANC while traveling the world, he was met with nearly universal adulation and came to be recognized as one of the most important and iconic people of the 20th century.

Despite the fact that their relationship was fraught with animosity, F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly in 1993. Mandela made an appearance on television in the same year, after the assassination of Chris Hani, in order to quell the fury of the people.

It was clear that South Africa had already experienced a fundamental shift in the balance of power. This was demonstrated by the election that took place in South Africa in April 1994 and was won by the African National Congress (ANC).

Mandela used his time as president of South Africa, which he held from 1994 until 1999, to work for peace and reconciliation with those who had been his adversaries in the past. Mandela was not a hands-on politician; rather, in his role as president, he was somewhat of a monarchical figure.

Nelson Mandela Life

This was despite the fact that the “Rainbow Nation” was going through an economic crisis and a rise in crime. In 1998, he wed Graca Machel, making this his third marriage overall. Mandela stepped down as president of South Africa in 1999, having led the country through its first period of majority rule.

Mandela’s resignation served to show other African leaders that it is possible for a great figure to gracefully step down from their position as head of state. This formed something of a precedent throughout Africa.

Also Read: Assassination of Patrice Lumumba: The first and only democratically elected prime minister Of The Congo.

“Go back to Africa” Grégoire de Fournas tells Carlos Martens Bilongo.

Grégoire de Fournas: Go back to Africa

During a parliamentary session that was televised to the public on Thursday, a French politician with a right-wing political ideology stirred an uproar by shouting “Go back to Africa” in response to comments made by a black lawmaker.

During a session of the National Assembly, which is the lower house of parliament, Grégoire de Fournas, a parliamentary representative for the National Rally (RN) party, interrupted Carlos Martens Bilongo, a parliamentary representative for the far-left party France Unbowed (LFI).

In his message, Bilongo asked the French government to work with other European Union countries, especially Italy and its newly elected far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, to help several hundred African migrants who had been rescued from the Mediterranean Sea.

De Fournas yelled out throughout the conversation, “Go back to Africa!”

The session was stopped right away while Yal Braun-Pivet, the President of the National Assembly, tried to get the room back in order after chaos broke out.

Although Bilongo and his party have characterized the yell as a racist personal assault, de Fournas’ party has maintained that the interjection was actually meant for the migrants that were being discussed. Bilongo and his party have labeled the cry a racist personal attack.

“Today, some people once again put my skin color at the center of a debate. I’m born in France and I am a French lawmaker and I didn’t think that today I will be insulted [like this] at the National Assembly,” Bilongo told reporters after the incident.

Carlos Martens Bilongo — Go back to Africa

The leader of the far-left France Unbowed group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, has urged that de Fournas be expelled from the National Assembly, which is the harshest punishment that can be given to a French politician. “Racists like him have no place in our parliament,” Panot tweeted.

De Fournas tweeted that he was talking to migrants and that France Unbowed had “hijacked” his remarks in a “disgraceful deception” De Fournas maintained that he was referring to migrants in his tweet.

“My answer concerned the boat and the migrants, obviously not my colleague,” he tweeted.

According to French phonetic rules, there is little audible difference between the sentences, “He should go back to Africa” and “They should go back to Africa” as de Fournas expressed them.

In a tweet, Marine Le Pen, who leads the party group in the French lower chamber for the far-right National Rally (RN), said that she supported de Fournas.

“Grégoire de Fournas obviously spoke about the migrants transported in boats by the NGOs that our colleague mentioned in his question to the government. The polemic created by our political opponents is crude and will not deceive the French,” she wrote.

After the meeting was over, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne addressed the media and stated that “racism has no place in our democracy.”

On Friday, a meeting of the parliament will be held to select the appropriate sentence for de Fournas. According to a CNN affiliate, Maxime Gremetz, a communist lawmaker, was the only person in the history of the French Fifth Republic to ever be expelled from the parliament for disrupting a parliamentary session. The expulsion was the harshest punishment that could be given to a lawmaker for his actions in the legislature.

Also Read: Two African-Americans acquitted of the murder of Malcolm X will receive $36 million.

The United States will pay $36 million to New York City and the state of New York in compensation for the murder of Malcolm X’s in 1965.

murder of Malcolm X

In 2021, after each man had served his 20-year sentence for the murder of Malcolm X, he was released from prison.

In an email sent to AFP on Sunday evening, the defense attorney, David Shanies, confirmed that an “injustice (had been) recognized today and a modest step has been taken to correct it.” Mr. Shanies’s clients are Muhammad Aziz, who is now 84 years old, and the family of Khalil Islam, who passed away in 2009.

According to an article published in The New York Times, the city’s legal department had earlier disclosed a financial settlement with “Mr. Aziz and Mr. Islam, who were wrongfully convicted of this crime.” Malcolm X was killed on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, which is a neighborhood in northern Manhattan. This was the crime in question.

Members of Malcolm X’s “Nation of Islam” movement, the two men had been convicted of a murder they did not commit and sentenced to lengthy jail terms in 1966. Between the two of them, they had served about 20 years in prison for a crime that they did not commit.

The Twist In The Murder Of Malcolm X

But on November 19, last year, the New York State Supreme Court overturned the convictions, marking a historic turning point in the legal system.

murder of Malcolm X

In the 1960s in the United States, the court even acknowledged its “failure” in imprisoning two innocent men for the assassination of an icon of the black cause. This occurred in the last decade.

In the long and arduous history of African Americans, the passing of Malcolm X was a thunderclap in the sky.

A “tragedy (…) felt around the world,” according to attorney David Shanies, and one that was worsened by the fact that it led to the conviction and imprisonment of two innocent young black men in the United States.

He verified the amounts that were published in the New York Times, which were as follows: $26 million from the city of New York and $10 million from the state of New York.

Both Muhammad Aziz, who was let free in 1985, and Khalil Islam, who was set free in 1987 and passed away in 2009 at the age of 74, have always insisted that they were innocent of the charges against them.

The third convict, Mujahid Abdul Halim, admitted at the time that he had shot Malcolm X and cleared his two co-defendants, but it was to no avail. He was convicted of the crime nonetheless.

murder of Malcolm X

Until the court in New York revisited the case in 2020, it was closed.

Netflix documentary On The Murder Of Malcolm X

In point of fact, the presence of Mr. Aziz and Mr. Islam at the scene of the assassination was called into question only after the documentary “Who Killed Malcolm X?” was made available on Netflix in February of 2020.

After conducting an investigation and reviewing the evidence for several months, the Manhattan prosecutor at the time, Cyrus Vance, joined forces with the attorneys for the two men and an organization called “The Innocence Project” that works to prevent wrongful convictions in order to file a motion with the New York Supreme Court to have the case dismissed.

In November of last year, prosecutor Vance apologized to the American judicial system for “decades of injustice” and “gross violations of the law and public confidence.”His comments were shown live on TV and were very well received by the crowd.

In court, he stated that he “recognized the importance of this miscarriage of justice,” but he did not elaborate on the rumors that circulated about the unclear role that the New York police department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation played at the time. 

Malcolm X threatened

Malcolm X was 39 years old when he was assassinated. He was a radical figure in the African American movement and was accused by his opponents of calling for violence and secession. At the time of his death, Malcolm X had left the “Nation of Islam” and was taking a more conciliatory approach.

After that, members of his former movement threatened him, and his residence in New York City had been vandalized a few days earlier.

The documentary that can be found on Netflix is based on the ideas of a lay historian from Washington named Abdur-Rahman Muhammad. Muhammad says that Aziz and Islam are not guilty of the crime and that the third convict, who admitted to it, did it with four other Nation of Islam members from a mosque in Newark, New Jersey, which is close to New York.

Malcolm X was killed in the 1960s, a time when political and social tensions were high after the deaths of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and civil rights leader Martin Luther King in 1968. Malcolm X’s death shook the United States.

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Oba Ewuare Trade with the Portuguese

Oba Ewuare: Great Benin Empire Trade with the Portuguese

It was during the reigns of the Oba Ewuare (r. c.1440–1473), his son Ozolua (r. c.1481–1504), and his grandson Esigie that the kingdom of Benin, which was located in the Yorubaland in present-day southwestern Nigeria, reached its zenith in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Benin was located in the Yorubaland (r.1504–1547). In order to solidify his hold on power, Ewuare relied on his subjects’ conviction that kings possessed divine qualities.

The king was revered and feared because it was believed that he could influence things like the climate, fertility, harvests, and social harmony. On the basis of this information, Ewuare put into effect reforms with the intention of reducing the power of the uzama, which are hereditary chiefs who traditionally take part in the selection of the oba.

To remove their influence over the order of succession to the throne, he established the principle of primogeniture as the governing principle. This rule was eventually implemented by the chiefs themselves, which stymied the growth of large lineage support groups and added more power to the Oba Ewuare. Ewuare, on the other hand, required chiefs in order to oversee the day-to-day administration of the kingdom and to collect tributes from the villages, the majority of which contributed to his financial holdings.

In order to further dilute the authority of the uzama, he appointed additional “town” and “palace” chiefs, all of whom were directly beholden to him. Over the course of a century, there were many shifts in the king’s level of authority.

Oba Ewuare: Great Benin Empire Trade with the Portuguese

The expansion of Benin’s empire, on the other hand, was largely unaffected by palace skirmishes. Ewuare and his successors frequently conducted military operations during the dry season in order to extend Benin’s frontiers in all directions: eastward to the Niger delta, southward to the sea, and westward into Yoruba country. As a result of these victories, Ewuare was dubbed “Ewuare the Great,” and his son, Ozolua, was dubbed “Ozolua the Conqueror.”

The vitality and stability of the kingdom were displayed in a variety of different ways throughout the century that was dedicated to expansion. Eware reconstructed the nation’s capital, Benin City, and partitioned it into two parts: the larger part housed the majority of the city’s inhabitants, while the smaller part was reserved for the royal palace and the country’s most prominent citizens. Additionally, he enhanced communication by issuing orders for the construction of broad avenues and smaller streets that intersected with each other.

Benin was a city that had walls and moats surrounding it and measured 25 miles in circumference during the sixteenth century. The creative industries thrived. Casting techniques in Benin were improved by craftsmen as more copper and brass were brought into the country via trade. They produced bronze bas-reliefs that represented the Oba, his court, and his interactions with the Portuguese, in addition to the palace art and elaborate altar pieces that they were known for producing. These remind me of the medieval tapestries that were popular in Western Europe.

They are an important historical record. According to tradition, Ewaure was the first Oba of Benin to make contact with the Portuguese, who were at that time exploring the region. This may be a reference to Ruy de Sequeira’s journey to Africa in 1472. There is a good chance that European goods arrived in Benin before the arrival of Europeans themselves.

According to the writings of Portuguese eyewitnesses, when the Portuguese first arrived in Benin, they discovered a large centralized state that was already engaged in political and commercial relations with a number of different regions, some of which were quite far away.

Oba Ewuare: Great Benin Empire Trade with the Portuguese

At that time, the Portuguese were the only Europeans interested in conducting business in the area. By the 1480s, their strategy consisted of making the trade with the Guinean coasts a monopoly for the Portuguese. Their forts and ships stationed in the region were designed to keep other Europeans out of the region as much as they were intended to control the local African population. The Portuguese believed that forming an alliance with Benin would provide them with access to substantial markets for their own wares.

Through its interactions with Europeans, Benin was able to acquire firearms, powder, metals, salt, and cloth. In return, they provided the Europeans with palm oil, ivory, cloth, beads, pepper, and slaves. It does not appear that any of the other exports came from local sources, with the exception of slaves, who were a natural by-product of the wars that Benin fought.

It appears that Benin’s location at a junction of east-west and north-south trade was one of the factors that contributed to the country’s wealth. Pepper was the only commodity that Benin initially exported to Europe (before the Portuguese were successful in establishing their spice trade with Asia), and only a small number of slaves made their way to the continent.

Beads, cloth, and slaves were some of the first things the Portuguese traded for gold in African ports along the Gulf of Guinea. Gold was the commodity from West Africa that the Portuguese desired more than anything else at the time. Benin, on the other hand, was never heavily involved in the slave trade despite Portugal’s growing interest in slaves throughout the entirety of the sixteenth century. The Portuguese initially sought slaves to supplement the labor force in Portugal; later, they sought slaves to work on newly established Portuguese plantations off the west African coast and in the Gulf of Guinea.

Benin, however, did not become heavily involved in the slave trade. The Portuguese had difficulty conducting business with Benin due to the fact that the kingdom was located approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) inland. They constructed a fort in the year 1487 at a location known as Ughoton (Gwato), which was the closest their ships could get to Benin City.

Oba Ewuare: Great Benin Empire Trade with the Portuguese

They had to travel approximately 40 miles inland from the ocean via perilous rivers in order to get there, and even then, the only way to get to the capital was via an additional 19 miles of land travel. Benin maintained control over both the rivers and the land routes.

Labor was the foundation of authority in this region; the Portuguese were few in number and were forced to rely on the native people of the area for military support, fresh water, and provisions. They were only able to conduct business in Benin with the Oba and his authorized agents on the terms that he had established. They left Ughoton after about 30 years because they found the Oba’s conditions to be too onerous, particularly the new ban on the export of male slaves. In later times, individual Portuguese merchants hailing from the Gulf of Guinea islands were responsible for the majority of commercial activity.

Despite this, the Portuguese departure from Ughoton did not mark the end of relations. It would appear that both Europeans and Africans were exploring the possibilities of what they could learn from one another. Oba Esigie sent a delegation to Portugal in 1514, complaining about Portuguese slaving activities and asking for a Christian mission and firearms at the same time. Oba Esigie’s request was granted. The provision of firearms was Benin’s top priority when it came to the Portuguese. On the other hand, King Manuel I was hesitant about selling weapons to pagan people.

The Portuguese took this request to be the chance they had been hoping for and had been waiting for all along. Even though he learned Portuguese, permitted the establishment of a Christian mission, and allowed his son Orhogba and some officials to be baptized, the oba did not accept baptism for himself. In reality, the oba was far less interested in Christianity than he was in acquiring firearms. By the end of the century, there was almost no longer any contact between the Portuguese and Benin.

Also Read: British invasion of the Benin Kingdom in 1897

UAE Bans Visas For African Countries

UAE Bans Visas For African Countries

People from more than 20 African countries are not allowed to go to Dubai, which is the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“This is to inform you that we will not be posting 30 days visa applications for these nationalities effective today October 18, 2022,” the notice read in part.

Uganda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Liberia, Burundi, Republic of Guinea, Gambia, Togo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Benin, Ivory Coast, Congo, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Comoros, and the Dominican Republic are some of the countries that are affected by the visa ban.

The authorities notified their business partners, which included travel agents, that they would be rejecting any and all applications in a notification that was distributed.

“Any applications from the above-mentioned countries will be sent back or canceled.” According to reports.

UAE Bans

This is not the first time that Dubai has prevented citizens of certain African countries from entering the emirate.

Emirates Airlines made the announcement in December 2021 that travelers from eight African nations will no longer be permitted to transit through Dubai until further notice due to the development of the Covid 19 virus.

The rationale for the most recent prohibition, however, is not entirely transparent.

Also Read: President Buhari: Africa’s progress has been severely stunted by rampant corruption

Ghana Depreciating Cedi: The Special Task Force

Ghana Depreciating Cedi

The President of Ghana has given an order that anyone who trades currencies illegally using the dollar will be arrested right away. In response to the current difficulties the nation is experiencing on the economic front, President Nana Addo Dankor has issued these directives. He said that the current problem with the dollar would be solved if everyone involved in illegally selling dollars would be arrested.

The Cedi dollar crisis, which is aggravating the country’s inflation rate, is being addressed by the government, according to President Nana Addo, who added that the government is taking steps to address the crisis. According to the president, people who are selling the dollar on an illegal basis contributed in equal measure to the dollar shortfall that the country currently faces. A special task force has recently been established with the mission of tracking down all of the individuals responsible for carrying out such a destabilizing activity for the nation.

Ghana Depreciating Cedi

Further assertions suggest that such unregulated foreign exchange markets are in possession of dollars but choose to conceal them in order to artificially inflate their value. Because of this, it has been hard to keep the value of the dollar stable in comparison to the cedi, which is bad for the economy of the country.

However, once all of this illegal marketing in the foreign exchange sector is adequately addressed, the cedi will begin to strengthen dramatically against the dollar in a very short amount of time. People who are selling dollars illegally should listen to this warning and stop what they are doing right away, or they risk being prosecuted when they are found.

The task force will very soon begin their work, and they may be dispatched to all sections of the country in order to be able to eliminate this harmful behavior that is draining the economy. If you want to be good citizens, you should report such forex black marketers to the task force so that they can push the value of the dollar down permanently.

Ghana Depreciating Cedi

Every person in the country now has the responsibility of lending their support to the initiatives taken by the president to improve the country’s economic situation. After this has been taken care of, it won’t be long before the cedi begins to appreciate against the dollar.

Also Read: Ukraine Russia War Update: Ukraine urges African nations to abandon neutrality in its conflict with Russia.

What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis?

What Is The Cause Of The Conflict Between Hutus And Tutsis?

From April 7 through mid-July 1994, the Rwandan government conducted a systematic campaign of elimination against civilians whom it considered to be national “enemies.” At least 800,000 people were killed in massacres carried out across the country. Initially, the targets of this execution were existing or potential political opponents of the government, particularly prominent members of opposition parties and their families, referred to as “political enemies.”

Following that, the ethnically Hutu-dominated administration stigmatized all members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, regardless of age, gender, or ideas, as “historical foes.” The killing, which began in Kigali and then spread into a government-directed nationwide genocide, occurred in the presence of international witnesses, including diplomats, aid workers, and even United Nations (UN) peacekeeping troops, who failed to prevent it, despite numerous warning signals, and who failed to stop it once it was underway.

The context in which “enemies” were identified and plans to exterminate them came together was one of intense international pressure on Rwanda’s authoritarian single-party regime to “open up” to multiparty democracy and negotiate with an armed group of refugees who had attacked from neighboring Uganda and declared their right to return. These two previously independent developments appeared almost simultaneously in late 1990. Over the next four years, the two became inexorably linked in the “official” rhetoric of Rwanda’s leadership, which grew increasingly paranoid, defensive, and fanatical.

What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis?

The government promoted the idea that the two were part of a larger plot to destroy the country and restore the harsh exploitation of the Hutu majority by a small minority of Tutsi nobles that had existed in Rwanda for seven decades, from the 1890s to 1961. The autonomous Rwandan government, on the other hand, was directed by a small elite group called the akazu (or “the family,” in the sense of the mafia). This small group of close associates of then-President Juvenal Habyarimana wielded tight, largely unchallenged control over all matters political, military, administrative, and financial.

Beginning in late 1990, this control was progressively challenged (or, in the opinion of the akazu, endangered) by members of newly formed opposition parties and incursions by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, an armed refugee group (RPF). Opposition party members work hard to increase their party’s membership and secure government positions, frequently through intimidation and violence. Several parties, most notably the dominant Mouvement Révolutionnaire National pour le Développement and its main opponents, such as the Mouvement Démocratique Républicain, made significant investments in their youth wings, using them to both encourage and frighten new members.

Party volunteers also worked to intimidate, weaken, or openly assault other parties’ local-level administrators, hoping to acquire political capital by rendering them useless. By mid-1992, chronic political issues had immobilized administration in numerous areas, allowing locals to disobey authority. As Rwanda descended into massive civil disobedience and political bloodshed, its president faced repeated invasions by the RPF, which had established a firm foothold in the country’s north in early 1992.

This achievement provided the RPF with enough international clout to drive Habyarimana to the bargaining table during a series of international-brokered peace talks in Arusha, Tanzania, in mid-1992. He was pressed to agree to a cease-fire in July of that year. He signed the first of a series of agreements known as the Arusha Accords in August 1992.

What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis?

The accords established a new structure for Rwanda’s government, ensuring power-sharing with the RPF as well as internal opposition parties. Although these concessions attracted sympathy (and, more importantly, economic aid) outside Rwanda, they were met with derision within the country. Habyarimana was very aware of the political cost of peace talks, so he criticized them at home while praising them to make foreign donors happy.

The “double” process of negotiating peace with the RPF while silently allowing and even committing acts of political and ethnic violence escalated during 1993. The RPF breached the cease-fire in February, killing hundreds of people. This violation shattered an alliance formed between the RPF and the Rwandan opposition, splintered opposition groups, and sparked a “Hutu Power” coalition. Hutu Power supporters hoped to bridge political divides by instilling anti-Tutsi fear and hostility.

Many people were predisposed to listen to the anti-RPF and anti-Tutsi propaganda spewing from a new, akazu-controlled radio station, Radio Télévision Libre des Milles Collines (RTLM), which began broadcasting in April 1993. The station catered to the young, who were drawn in by the station’s fashionable music, fast-paced programming, and witty commentary. Many grownups were unconcerned about it. This changed abruptly in 1993, when a political disaster overtook neighboring Burundi. Burundi’s first democratically elected president, a Hutu, was assassinated on October 21 by his country’s Tutsi-dominated army.

Burundi’s painstakingly formed Tutsi-Hutu political coalition crumbled quickly, replaced by horrific violence. This massive catastrophe was all that the Rwandan Hutu Power movement needed to convince their people that cooperating with the Tutsi-dominated RPF was a recipe for disaster. What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis? In late 1993 and early 1994, there was distrust, hostile language about the Hutu need for preemptive self-defense against all Tutsis, increased militia training, and secret arms depots.

What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis?

When the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) arrived in Rwanda in December 1993 to help with the implementation of the Arusha Accords, they discovered indications of clandestine arming of people. The UNAMIR reports on clandestine civilian defense actions became more clear, precise, and urgent as the weeks went by.

However, the reports garnered little attention from UN headquarters. The peace accords drew international attention. President Habyarimana’s plane was targeted with missiles fired from a site near Kigali airport on the evening of April 6, 1994, as he returned from peace talks in Tanzania.

Everyone on board the plane died, including Habyarimana, his chief of staff, and the president of Burundi. As of this writing, the identity of the assassin is unknown. Within hours of the incident, elite military troops, including the presidential guard, rushed through Kigali’s streets, erecting roadblocks, barricading major members of the political opposition inside their homes, and removing Hutu Power figures.

Later that night, they began assassinating opposition leaders and their families, aided by regular army units and members of youth militias. Armed soldiers and militia men brandishing lists of named “enemies,” mostly Hutu political heavyweights who had failed to embrace Hutu Power, as well as some famous Tutsis, trolled Kigali’s middle-class areas, breaking into residences and killing their targets by the morning of April 7.

Meanwhile, senior Hutu Power and Akazu members gathered to plot and suggest presidential candidates. Even as they dealt with the FAR’s kidnapping, torture, and death of UN servicemen, UNAMIR officers urged the Rwandan military (Forces Armées Rwandaises, or FAR) to restore calm. UNAMIR also struggled to persuade decision-makers at the UN headquarters in New York to widen its mission in order for the agency to respond effectively to the highly sensitive situation.

At the village of Biaro. The Zairian Red Cross are present (brought here by the rebels of Kabila, who want to make sure the bodies are burried as fast as possible, fearing typhus epidemic) and make a count of all the orphans: above 1000 children. They are lined up along the railway tracks.Tens of thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees, (they all come from the refugee camps of Goma and Bukavu), fleeing the Zairian rebels of Laurent- Desire Kabila, for the last 5 months, hiding in the bush, exhausted, famished, and all waiting to return home, to Rwanda, are today in the midst of a new nightmare. They had taken residence in camps in 1994, when they fled their country in fear of retribution for the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Tutsi by Hutu extremists. The presence of Hutu nettled Zairian Tutsi, who joined forces with Kabila, a longtime Mobutu foe, and launched the insurgency. The fighting forced most of the Rwandan refugees to go home in Autumn 96, but about 350.000 of them have been marooned in tough eastern Zaire, fighting terrain. They are dying at an alarming rate. They need food, water ans safe passage home. But no one has made the refugees a priority. The Zairian rebels of Kabila who seized Kisangani, Zaire’sthird city, had ordered the Rwandan Hutu Refugees, who were in this region’s camps, to move back south.

By the evening of April 7, and over the next several days, with UNAMIR troops present but under strict orders limiting their capacity to respond, the massacre had expanded from the capital city to specific rural areas where Hutu Power had been most active and organized. This growth was incited by RTLM presenters, who urged listeners to find “enemies”—specifically, Tutsis and their moderate Hutu “accomplices” who were portrayed as RPF clandestine agents—and “defend” themselves forcefully.

The news that the RPF had resumed hostilities reinforced this message. Many Hutus initially worried for their lives after learning that the first wave of massacres had targeted Hutu politicians. However, by the end of the first week, the interim administration had circulated the idea that Hutus were not the goal, and that they should not allow divisions among them to divert their attention from the “true” enemy—all Tutsis. As a result, Rwanda was thrust into a complicated sequence of interconnected crises within days of Habyarimana’s killing. The little country was embroiled in an internal power struggle between opportunistic and radical political patrons eager to command their clients to perpetrate massacres in order to outmaneuver their opponents.

It faced abandonment and apathy from an international community that chose to evacuate most foreign nationals, limit the mandate and size of the UNAMIR force, and even urge the UN (in vain) to a total UNAMIR withdrawal. This apathy on the part of the world community created a permissive environment in which the atrocities grew into a full-fledged genocide.

Tutsi civilians were slaughtered in large-scale murders at public venues such as churches and schools, where they had assembled voluntarily, seeking protection, or had been instructed to gather in the days and weeks following the evacuations. Hundreds of Tutsi civilians were concentrated at a specific spot, detained or “protected” by police and/or troops for several days, then attacked with grenades, followed by a close-range assault by a civilian throng armed with machetes, clubs, hammers, and the rare rifle.

As the killings became more frequent and widespread, Rwandans who stood firm in their opposition—including some police, military, and regional administrative officials—were ostracized, intimidated, undermined, sacked, or assassinated. The governmental apparatus was organized to eliminate an entire minority community under the hands of a small cadre of radicals, most notably Colonel Théoneste Bagosora. As this complicated disaster evolved on Rwanda’s hillsides, the United Nations and world leaders focused on how to refer to it rather than how to stop it.

What is the cause of the conflict between Hutus and Tutsis?

If what had now become a systematic killing of Tutsis was recognized as genocide, the UN and nations that had signed the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide were legally obligated to interfere. However, with the exception of France (which assisted in arming and training the FAR and began the unilateral Operation Turquoise in late June), those governments with the ability to lead a UN intervention distanced themselves from the conflict.

Humanitarian organizations, on the other hand, mobilized to aid Rwandan refugees (one group fleeing the genocide, the other fleeing the RPF’s advance) who fled to neighboring countries. The UN Security Council did not agree to label the Rwandan situation as genocide until June. It was typically too late by this point; more than 80% of all victims had been slain in the first six weeks of the crisis.

More people were killed as the RPF advanced effectively against the FAR in May and June. Hutu authorities screamed angrily for the “patriotic” annihilation of any Tutsis who had survived previous killings. As it gained control, the RPF massacred Hutu civilians both along and behind the front lines.

The RPF took Kigali on July 4, 1994, after heavy combat hill by hill and street by street. The bloodthirsty “interim” government retreated northward, then westward into Zaire in retaliation. As it retreated, the vanquished government declared via the mobile RTLM radio station that the fate that all Hutus feared, a “Tutsi takeover,” had now come to pass. Hutus had to flee for their lives in order to avoid being slaughtered.

Terrified, devastated, and fearful of retaliation, one million Rwandans, nearly all of them Hutus, fled in a matter of days. The humanitarian disaster that resulted from their flight was heartbreaking and documented on global television. The corpse-strewn land they left behind would not attract the world’s attention until much later, as the full scope of what had happened was only gradually understood.

Also Read: Angolan War Of Independence: The Angola Civil War For Independence, 1974-1976



An important Yoruba empire, known as the Old Oyo Empire, once encompassed parts of what are now the countries of Benin and Western Nigeria. It flourished as a result of the remarkable organizational and administrative abilities possessed by the Yoruba people. Trade and the strength of its cavalry were the sources of its wealth. From the middle of the seventh century to the middle of the 18th century, it was one of the most influential and powerful political states throughout the entirety of West Africa.

It has power not only over most of the other kingdoms in Yoruba country, but also over the neighboring African states, especially the Fon Kingdom of Dahomey, which is in what is now the Republic of Benin.

Oranmiyan, the last Prince of Oduduwa, is largely credited with being the impetus behind the rise of the Old Oyo Empire. He was the very last child to be born in the Yoruba kingdom of Ile Ife. Going back in history a bit, it is stated that Oduduwa is where the Yoruba people first came from. Oranmiyan, the final prince of Oduduwa and the ancestral father of the Old Oyo kingdom, is said to have been born to OKANBI, the only son Oduduwa is said to have had. OKANBI, on the other hand, is said to have had seven children, one of whom grew up to be Oranmiyan.


(1600-1896). Oyo-Ile served as the location of the headquarters for the Old Oyo Empire between the years 1300 and 1535. People living in the Old Oyo Empire spoke Yoruba as their primary language, and the three major world religions—Traditional religion, Christianity, and Islam—served as their primary sources of spiritual guidance. Alaafin Oranmiyan, Oba Adeyemi Alowoloda 1, was the monarch that ruled over the Empire.

Both the Oyo-Mesi and the Ogboni served as checks on the activities of the Alaafin during the time of the Old Oyo Empire, which was ruled by a powerful legislative government. Its landmass covered a total area of 150,000 km2, which is equivalent to 58,000 square miles. You can’t talk about the history of the Old Oyo empire without talking about how the legend says it all started.


As was said previously, the Old Oyo Empire is said to have originated with Oranmiyan, who was the last prince of the Yoruba kingdom of Ile-Ife. This is where the legendary origin of the empire is said to lie. In retaliation, Oranmiyan and his brothers launched an assault on their neighbors in retaliation for the insults directed at their father, Oduduwa, the first Ooni of Ife.


The insults were a result of Oduduwa’s position as the first Ooni of Ife. However, during the course of the attack, they got into a fight with one another, which resulted in the division of their armies.

So, in order to find Bussa, Oranmiyan had to go through parts of the southern coast where no one lived. When he was in Bussa, the local chief amused him and his army and subsequently gave him a big snake that had a magical charm fastened around its neck.

Oranmiyan was given the directive by the chief to follow the snake no matter where it went or where it stopped. After showing him where to go, the snake stayed there for seven days before going away.

As a result, this was the location where Oranmiyan established the city of Oyo, and after that, he established a new kingdom there. After that, he became the first “Oba,” which means king or paramount ruler, and was given the title “Alaafin of Oyo.”


The following are notable periods of the old Oyo empire;

  • The Early Period (from the 12th to the 15th century): During this time period, Oranmiyan, who was the first king, was followed on the throne by Oba Ajaka. However, Oba Ajaka was ultimately removed from power because of a lack of Yoruba military virtue. Ajaka’s brother, who was known as “Sango,” eventually became the god of thunder and lightning. He was given the responsibility of leading the people. Later on, once Sango had passed away, Ajaka was reinstated as king, but this time around, his rule was more repressive and bellicose.

  • The Imperial Era: Following their defeat at the hands of the Nupe, the Yoruba of Oyo withdrew into exile and suffered through an interregnum that lasted for eighty years during this period. In later years, they re-established Oyo as a government that was both more centralized and wide, eventually covering a massive empire. The Old Oyo Empire became the most populated kingdom in Yoruba history as a result of its enormous territorial expansion and growth.

  • ZENITH ERA: By the year 1680, the Oyo Empire covered an area that was greater than 400,000 square miles. During the 18th century, it attained its greatest level of dominance. It was mutual self-interest that kept the group together.

  • DECLINE ERA: The dynastic revolution that was promoted by the Oyo Prime Minister ‘Gaha’ at the beginning of 1754 marked the beginning of the decline of the Oyo empire. Gaha, in his ambition for full power, connived with the Oyo-Mesi and the Ogboni to coerce four consecutive Alaafins into committing ritual suicide after being given the symbolic parrot’s egg. This was done as part of Gaha’s plan to gain absolute control of the Alaafin throne.


The old Oyo empire started a period of expansion beginning around the year 1650 and continuing until it extended its dominion over the majority of the villages located between Benin and the Niger River in the east and the Volta River in the west. After Oyo’s military conquest of Dahomey, which took place in two stages, the empire reached its zenith in 1748, which was also the year that Dahomey was finally conquered (1724–30 and 1738–48). After that, the empire started doing business with European merchants near the port of Ajase (now called Porto-Novo).


The rise in wealth was a contributing factor in the disagreements that occurred amongst the political leaders. During the reign of Alaafin Abiodun, there was a bloody civil war that took place. After he triumphed over his opponents, Alaafin Abiodun adopted a policy of economic expansion that was predominately centered on the trade with European merchants along the coast. Because of his singular concentration on the economy, the military was both weakened and ignored, which ultimately led to the weakening of the central government.
During the time of colonial rule, the Yoruba were one of the most urbanized groups in Africa.

More than half of the population lived in cities, and about 22% of the total population lived in large cities or towns with populations of more than 100,000. Former Protectorate states like Ibadan, Osogbo, and Ogbomoso were able to flourish and develop as separate entities after the fall of the Old Oyo Empire. This was made possible by the collapse of the Old Oyo Empire.

Also Read: History of Yorubaland: The Great History of Ife, Oyo, Yoruba Kingship and Art