Angola launch second satellite.

Today, October 12, 2022, Angola launch second satellite, which is known as Angosat-2. At the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the satellite was sent into space on a rocket designated as a Proton-M Blok DM-03. It is a heavy-lift launch vehicle with four stages that was developed in Russia and is based on the Soviet Proton launch vehicle. With today’s launch, Angola has now put two satellites into orbit, increasing the continent’s total number of satellite launches in 2022 to five, and bringing the continent’s overall total to 49.

High-throughput satellites like Angosat-2, which will weigh two tons and provide 13 terabytes of data in each lighted region, will be provided by Angosat-2 (satellite signal range zones). The satellite will have a lifespan of 15 years according to its original design and will be based on the Eurostar-3000 platform. The Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems Company in Russia is responsible for the development of Angosat-2, and Angola will incur no further costs for its construction as a result of the insurance package included in Angosat-1’s contract for USD 300 million.
Angosat-1 was a conventional satellite that had a wide communication beam regardless of location, so according to Zolana Joo, the Director-General of the Angolan National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN), Angosat-2 will be seven times faster than its predecessor. This is because Angosat-1 was designed to cover a large area. Because of this, Angola will be able to reduce the problem of the digital divide, making it possible for all people in the country to have equal access to the advantages that are provided by information and communication technologies (ICT).

The geostationary communications satellite will cover the whole African continent and provide a variety of services, with a primary focus on Southern Africa. Mário Augusto da Silva Oliveira, Angola’s Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies, and Social Communication (MINTTICS), stated that within the framework of Angola’s National Space Strategy, the country intends to improve the Angosat-2 satellite transmission infrastructure as well as Angola’s Earth Observation program.

This was stated by Mário Augusto da Silva Oliveira. This will also include investments in the nation’s internet infrastructure, which will be carried out via both submarine and terrestrial fiber optics. In addition to this, he stated that the development and growth of Africa will be facilitated by investments in space technology.

The Minister also mentioned that Angola and the satellite operators will profit from the increased availability of telecommunications services as a direct result of the launch. C Band coverage will extend to include the entirety of the African continent as well as a sizeable portion of southern Europe.

Additionally, the satellite will offer nearly comprehensive coverage of southern Africa in the Ku Band spectrum. The Minister also made note of the aim of the Executive to continue investing in inducing initiatives in order to strengthen the country’s television broadcasting business.